Theme for Concept iPhone 7


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Bored with long time same screen theme and icons ? Try this cool designed theme concept for iPhone 7.The best Launcher and Theme is now on android and its FREE to download.Theme for Concept iPhone 7 is a brilliant icon packs with lots of nice wallpapers and theme for you to experience the fantastic iPhone 7 user Interface on your Android device .
How to set this theme ?
- Install Theme for Concept iPhone 7- Tap on " Apply Theme " - Select any installed launcher and apply theme.
In case if a launcher is not installed, first install that launcher and apply it on your device.
Theme for Concept iPhone 7 is specially designed to work with any of other launchers, we have added following launchers for convenience
- Apex launcher- Nova launcher- ADW launcher- Smart launcher- Aviate launcher- Next launcherMore launchers support coming soon
Theme for Concept iPhone 7 also contains lots of beautiful and high quality wallpapers which can be set as wallpaper background.